September 6 – 15, 2024

Bread Baking at the Fair
Every night of the fair a group of 4-H’ers will be demonstrating how to make biscuits from scratch. They use the classic 3-ingredient biscuit recipe that many past 4-H’ers have used for as long as the fair has been in existence. The demonstration can be seen at the Kerr Building from 4-8 pm. Stop by and enjoy a hot fresh biscuit on us.
Famous 4-H Biscuit Recipe
Fun with Quick Breads
2024 Biscuit Baking Schedule

2023 Hay Bale Decorating
As you walk around the fair make sure to check out the Hay Bales decorated by county 4-H groups. Counties or 4-H clubs sign up and decorate a hay bale with the fair theme for the year. The 2023 theme was Ribbon, Roosters, and Roller Coasters.
2023 Hay Bale Decorating results